Located near Wakuwaku Family Snowland, this restaurant is easily accessible to both families and young people. The first floor offers a Japanese-style menu, while the second floor offers standard omelet rice and light meals.

Eclas Cafe

Eclas Cafe
Eclas Cafe

Eclas Cafe

Business Hours
10:30A.M.~3:30P.M.(last order)

Location Next to the foot station of the No. 4 High Speed Lift

Genre Food court, light meal

Reservations are not accepted at this restaurant.

Service charge: 0%.
Charge: 0%.
Payment: No credit card accepted

Children are welcome
Age limit: no age limit
Children’s menu: No children’s menu
Child Seating Restrictions: No
Children’s chairs: No
Hours: Available at all hours

Open: Saturday, December 17, 2022 – Friday, March 31, 2023
Closed: Yes
Seating capacity: 1st floor: 96 seats, 2nd floor: 40 seats

*Business period and hours are subject to change.