Kaze no Garden

Kaze no Garden (windy garden) is situated in the grounds of Shin Furano Prince Hotel and is an English garden complete with authentic cottage. There are 365 varieties of flowers with a total of around 20,000 plants in the garden. The garden has been laid out to show case the beautiful colours through the seasons.

Season :  Late April to Mid October


  • 8:00A.M. – 5:00P.M. (reception closes ate 4:30P.M.)

Charges: Adults¥1,000 Child(7~12years old)¥600 Child(0~6years old)Free

Access: 2-minute-walk from the hotel.

Kaze no Garden
Kaze no Garden
Kaze no Garden
Kaze no Garden
Kaze no Garden
Kaze no Garden
Kaze no Garden

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