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Watch The Prince Hakone Lake Ashinoko in movie

Watch The Prince Hakone Lake Ashinoko in movie

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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Thank you for booking The Prince Hakone Lake Ashinoko or are considering to reserve our hotel as your stay in Hakone.Here is Frequently Asked … Read more
First in Hakone, Segway Tour!

First in Hakone, Segway Tour!

The activity you can only experience at The Prince Hakone Lake Ashinoko in Hakone! In 2019, we start to offering the popular activity … Read more
Information of Smoking area

Information of Smoking area

Smoking is prohibited except on designated areas in the premises. *Include garden. There are 2 smoking area in The Prince Hakone Lake … Read more
Guide to bathing in Japan

Guide to bathing in Japan

There is some bathing etiquette you need to know before you use ONSEN. 1- Wash before entering the bath Wash face and body, then rinse … Read more
Free Shuttle bus between Hotel and Moto-Hakone

Free Shuttle bus between Hotel and Moto-Hakone

More convenient to access Moto Hakone area with free shuttle from the hotel. There are Hakone Shrine and many sightseeing spots around Moto … Read more
Watch Prince Grand Resort Hakone in movie.

Watch Prince Grand Resort Hakone in movie.

Watch our hotel and golf courses in … Read more
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